Simply amazing taste and value for the money for both of these wines!
The red wine is a blend of: Zin, Merlot, and Cab Sauvignon.
While not quite a technical meritage blend, the combination of these varietals and the percentage of each make this a great wine for a Tuesday night when grading papers and eating barbeque or Costco Chicken Noodle Soup! This is Steve's favorite wine right now!
The white wine is a blend of: Chardonnay, Moscato, and Chenin Blanc.
Kari and I were looking forward to trying this one for a while and did the other night with much pleasure! We were interested to find out how the Moscato made the wine taste because Moscato is such sweet varietal; we were and very happy with the sweet balanced achieved! I believed Kari said, "This is awesome!"